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بحث مخصص

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ramadan SMS / Text Messages
We observe Ramadan every year. Do we also listen to it?

As u see the cresent moon
May all ur dreams come true
May allah forgive ur all s

As the candle light flame,
Ur life may always be happiness claim;

As the mountain high,
U move without sigh;
like the white linen flair,
Purity is always an affair;
As sunshine creates morning glory,
fragrance fills years as flory;
with the immaculate eternal smile,
attached to u mile after mile;
All darkness is far away,
As light is on its way;

Wish all of u a very happy Ramadan

Allah’s Apostle used to
practice a aitakaf in
the last ten days of
the holy month of Ramadan,
May Allah removes all the hurdles
and make it easy to follow our prophet.

here is hoping this festival of beauty brings
your way, bright sparkles of contentment,
that stay with you through the days ahead.
Best wishes on Ramadan


*. * . * . * . * . * .GREAT * . * . * . * . *
*. * .*_/\_ *. * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * .*
. *. * >,"< * MONTH IS COMING. * .
* , + .*... * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . *
* . * . * . * _/\_. * . REMEMBER ME * . *
* . * . * . * >,"< . * . * . * . * . * . *. * . *
+ * . *. * . * . * . * . * . IN YOUR * .
* . _/\_ * . * . * * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . *
. * >,"< * . *. * . * PRAYS * . * . * .

May allah weigh your ibadat in gold, count your blessings with stars and ease your every effort like a gentle summer breeze...Ameen!! Ramadhan mubarak!

May allah protect u from all harm, brighten your heart with noor of imaan, bless u with the vision of ihsaan, and elevate u with the greatness of ramadhan! Ramadhan Mubarak!!!

Ramzan-ul-Mubarik Ka CHaand Mubarik Ho*

******** ) ********
A month of
Special Blessings from Almighty Allah,
Holy Quran "s recitation,
A month to do the best wd all....!


here is hoping this festival of beauty brings
your way, bright sparkles of contentment,
that stay with you through the days ahead.
Best wishes on Ramadan

May the festival of lights be the harbinger
of joy and prosperity. As the holy occasion of
RAMZAN is here and the atmosphere is

filled with the spirit of mirth and love,

here is hoping this festival of beauty brings

your way, bright sparkles of contentment,

that stay with you through the days ahead.
Best wishes on RAMZAN....!!!

The holy month of Ramadan,
For all Muslims has begun.
Praising Allah through the day,
From dawn to dusk we fast and pray.
We pay zakah (charity) for those in need,
Trying hard to do good deeds.


May ALLAH bestowed u peace, serenity , tranquality and health in this HOLY MOINTH of ramazan Along with his blessing and bliss.


May The Noor Of This Blessed Month illuminate ur heart,Mind & soul & may ur All prayers be answered (ameen) Always remeber me in ur prayers.


Happy Moment
Praise ALLAH

Difficult Moment

Quiet Moment

Painfull Moment
Trust in ALLAH

Every Moment
Thanks only ALLAH


May this Ramadan bring in u the most brightest and choicest happiness and love you have ever wished for. May the festival of lights brighten up yours and your near and dear ones lives.

Wishing u 1 month of ramadan,
4 weeks of barkat,
30 days of forgiveness,
720 hours of guidance,
43200 minutes of purification,
2592000 secs of Nuur..!!

May the light that we celebrate at Ramadan
show us the way and lead us together on the
path of peace and social harmony

Wish you a very happy Ramadan Mubarak


Long live the tradition of hindu culture and as the generations have passed by hindu culture is getting stronger and stronger lets keep it up.
Best Wishes for Ramadan

I'm Shabaan , My Neighbor , Ramazan Told Me That He's Coming Yo Your House Tommorrow With His Wife Roza And 3 Kids ... Touba , Rehmat And Barkat .... And They Will Return By Wid EID Airways After 30 Days .. Ramazan Mubarak

May ALLAH honour U , Forgive U , Purify U , Accept Ur IBADAT & DUAS , Elevate U , Insprie U & Shower U With His NOOR , Mercy & Protection During " HOLY RAMAZAN "

Fragrance fills years as flory;
with the immaculate eternal smile,
attached to u mile after mile;
All darkness is far away,
As light is on its way;
Wish all of u a very happy Ramadan

May This Ramadan be as bright as ever.
May this Ramadan bring joy, health and wealth to you.

May the festival of lights brighten up you
and your near and dear ones lives.

May this Ramadan bring in u the most
brightest and choicest happiness and
love you have ever Wished for.


May this Ramadan bring you the
utmost in peace and prosperity.

May lights triumph over darkness.

May peace transcend the earth.

May the spirit of light illuminate the world.

May the light that we celebrate at Ramadan
show us the way and lead us together on the
path of peace and social harmony

Wish you a very happy Ramadan Mubarak

Walk humbly
Talk politely
Dress neatly
Treat kindly
Pray attentively
Donate generously
May ALLAH bless & protect you…

Ramadan is the most important month of our calendar. It is a tremendous gift from Allah in so many ways. In our current state of being down and out, it can uplift us, empower us, and turn around our situation individually and collectively. It is the spring season for the garden of Islam when dry grass can come back to life and flowers bloom. But these benefits are not promised for lifeless and thoughtless rituals alone. They will be ours if our actions are informed by the message of Ramadan.

Today the message of Ramadan tends to get drowned out by much louder voices of the pop culture that have an opposite message. We have become so accustomed to them that many of us remain enslaved to them even during Ramadan.

The most important message of Ramadan is that we are not just body. We are body and soul. And that what makes us human beings and that determines our value as human beings is the soul and not the body. During Ramadan we deprive the body to uplift the soul. This is all simple and familiar. But we can understand its significance if we remember that the message of the materialistic hedonistic global pop culture that has engulfed every Muslim land today --- just like the rest of the world--- is exactly the opposite. It says that body is everything. That the materialistic world is all that counts. That the greatest happiness -- if not virtue-- is in filling the appetites of the body. This message produces endless appetites and consequently endless wars to fill those endless appetites through endless exploitation. It produces endless frustrations since the gap between desires and achievements can never be filled. It produces endless chaos and endless oppression. Yet this trash comes in such beautiful and enticing packages that we can hardly resist it. We equate this slavery with freedom. We consider this march to disaster as progress. And with every movement, we get further and deeper into the mire.

The message of the materialistic hedonistic global pop culture that has engulfed every Muslim land today is exactly the opposite of the message of Ramadan.

Ramadan is here to liberate us from all this. Here is a powerful message that it is soul over body. Take a break from the pop culture. Turn off the music and TV. Say goodbye to the endless and futile pursuit of happiness in sensory pleasures. Rediscover your inner self that has been buried deep under it. Reorient yourself. Devote your time to the reading of the Qur'an, to voluntary worship, to prayers and conversations with Allah. Reflect on the direction of your life and your priorities. Reflect on and strengthen your relationship with your Creator.

On the last day of one Sha'ban, Prophet MuhammadSall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam, gave a Khutbah about the upcoming month of Ramadan.

It is a very important Khutbah that we should carefully read before every Ramadan to prepare ourselves mentally for the sacred month.

It begins: "Oh people! A great month is coming to you.

A blessed month. A month in which there is one night that is better than a thousand months.

A month in which Allah has made it compulsory upon you to fast by day, and voluntary to pray by night.

Whoever draws nearer to Allah by performing any of the voluntary good deeds in this month shall receive the same reward as is there for performing an obligatory deed at any other time.

And whoever discharges an obligatory deed in this month shall receive the reward of performing seventy obligations at any other time. It is the month of Sabr (patience), and the reward for sabr is Heaven. It is the month of kindness and charity.

It is a month in which a believer's sustenance is increased. Whoever gives food to a fasting person to break his fast, shall have his sins forgiven, and he will be saved from the Fire of Hell, and he shall have the same reward as the fasting person, without the latter's reward being diminished at all."

The hadith continues and contains many other very important messages. However let us take the time to highlight two of the statements contained above. First, that Ramadan is the month of sabr.

The English translation is patience but that word has a very narrow meaning compared to sabr. Sabr means not only patience and perseverance in the face of difficulties, it also means being steadfast in avoiding sin in the face of temptations and being persistent in performing virtues when that is not easy. Overcoming hunger and thirst during fasting is part of it.

But protecting our eyes, ears, minds, tongues, and hands, etc. from all sins is also part of it. So is being persistent in doing good deeds as much as possible despite external or internal obstacles. Ramadan requires sabr in its fullest sense and provides a training ground for that very important quality to be developed and nurtured. Here is a recipe for the complete overhaul of our life, not just a small adjustment in meal times.

The highest point of Ramadan is itikaf, an act of worship in which a person secludes himself in a masjid to devote his time entirely to worshipping and remembering Allah. Some in every Muslim community must take a break and go to the masjid for the entire last ten days of Ramadan. Others should imbibe the spirit and do whatever they can.

But we must differentiate between worldly pleasures and worldly responsibilities.
We take a break from the former and not the latter. Syedna Abdullah ibn Abbas, Radi-Allahu unhu, was performing itikaf, when a person came and sat down silently.

Sensing his distressed condition Ibn Abbas enquired about his situation, learnt that he needed help, and proceeded to leave the masjid to go out and help him.
Now this action does nullify the itikaf, making a makeup obligatory. So the person, though grateful, was curious.

Explaining his action, Ibn Abbas related a hadith that when a person makes efforts to help his brother, he earns the reward for performing itikaf for ten years.

This brings us to the second statement to consider: that Ramadan is the month of kindness and charity. With those in distress in the millions in the world today, the need for remembering this message of Ramadan cannot be overstated.

Unfortunately, today another scene seems to be dominant in some parts of the Muslim world. Here Ramadan is the month of celebrations, shopping, fancy iftars at posh restaurants, entertainment and gossip. People stay up at night but not for worship; they while away that time watching TV or wandering in the bazaar. Ramadan here is more a month of feasting than fasting.

No one can take away our Ramadan from us; we just give it away ourselves. And if we realize the utter blunder we have made, we can take it back.

Ramzan in details

Ramzan in details

R-Roza Rakho
A-Allah se daro
M-Masjid ko jao
Z-Zakat banto
A-A’maal ache karo
N-Namaz parho

Aus is banday ko dua main yaad rakho

posted in Ramadan SMS
Wishing u 1 month of ramadan

Wishing u 1 month of ramadan,
4 weeks of barkat,
30 days of forgiveness,
720 hours of guidance,
43200 minutes of purification,
2592000 secs of Nuur..!!

Ramadan Mubarak

posted in Ramadan SMS
Praying for a blessed Ramadan

“… turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque;
and wherever you are, turn your faces towards it… ”
The Holy Koran [ 2:150 ]

Wishing you all the blessings from Allah
and praying for a blessed Ramadan !

posted in Ramadan SMS
Wishing you a blessed Ramadan..!

He is the one GOD;
the Creater, the Initiate, the Designer.
To Him belong the most beautiful names…
He is the Almighty, Most Wise.

Wishing you a blessed Ramadan..!

posted in Ramadan SMS
Wishing the blessings of Ramadan

Wishing you and your family
the blessings of Ramadan.

Ramadan Mubarak !!

posted in Ramadan SMS
Whoever stood for the prayers in the night

Prophet said:
“Whoever stood for the prayers
in the night of Qadr out of sincere
faith and hoping for a reward from Allah,
then all his previous sins will be forgiven”

posted in Ramadan SMS
In Ramazan, quran was sent down

Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Quran,
as a guide to mankind,
also clear (Signs) for guidance
and judgment (between right and wrong).

posted in Ramadan SMS
Packing start kar do

Packing Start Kardoo,
Phir Nahi Kehna K Bataya Nahi,
Abhi Kuch Din Baqi Hain,
Ramadan Ka Chand Nazar Aanain Main,
Nazar Aatai Hi Apko 1 Month K Lie Band Kardia Jaiga



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